Transforming Your Church Through Discipleship
“Discipleship is always relational before it’s organizational,” it requires an intentional, highly relational process of life-on-life mentoring. When this is happening, you and church will never be the same.
“Discipleship is always relational before it’s organizational,” it requires an intentional, highly relational process of life-on-life mentoring. When this is happening, you and church will never be the same.
Discipleship begins with our very first encounter we have with a person. We disciple the lost, those far from God until the come to know Christ, after salvation we continue their discipleship on to maturity, where they are repeating that same process with others, who will disciple others.
Do you honestly desire to lead your church into a missional discipleship movement?
(I’ll be honest, it’s a lot of hard work, and it’s costly too!) We have seen it transform our people and impact our communities. We want to help you launch this movement in your own church by using a proven, and intentional discipleship training process.
A Simple Process – How did Jesus do it?
Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus commands us to disciple, “all Gentiles and non-believing Jews.” ἔθνος, ethnos = nation; people; Gentiles, unbelievers; non-Israelite Christians and gentiles. It was used to describe a person who was not a God follower. Then teach them to obey everything He commanded us to do.
He said ALL the world, not just some places and not just a few people…. He wants them all to be his disciples! Is this what’s on your heart too? “Who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4
We’ll guide you each step of the way
Preaching and teaching about it is not enough. We equip and support you through personalized induvial and group coaching. We accomplish this through weekly and monthly coaching using ZOOME video conferencing, phone calls, emails and texting.
Our workshops are multi-day gatherings where church leaders receive step by step coaching in how to dive deeply into the lessons, share experiences, and develop their skills.
John 4:35–38 (ESV): 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. 36 Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. 37 For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” (If this bothers you, get over it! That’s just the way it is.)
Lift your eyes, look further than ever before, dream bigger dreams, then get busy partnering with God in what He’s doing, His dreams are bigger than ours, He is working to bring them into reality. We want to help you establish a movement, but it doesn’t stop there. Be envisioned and equipped to give this away to others in your city.
Missional discipleship, the kind that Jesus himself demonstrated for us, it might seem simple, but in reality, it takes passion, persistence, and training to put it into action and spark a disciple-making movement. This is why we use a step-by-step training process for churches and pastors/leaders looking to bring transformational discipleship to their churches and communities.
01 - Gather A Team
We recommend that you spend time praying and carefully selecting a team of spiritually mature believers, who are already faithfully obeying God as the habit of their life. If they are not obeying Christ commands, they have no place on this team. It does not matter how much bible knowledge they have. If they are not using it, they disqualify themselves.
This person will ultimately lead the first Zúme Discipleship trainings in your Church and will set the spiritual DNA for months, even possibly years to come.
It’s important you have a team and not try to begin this with just one person. With a team, you will be at lease a year ahead implementing this, compared to starting without a team.
02. Identify the Leader
We call the leader of this team leader the “Discipleship Coordinator.” The best person to fill this role is typically the senior pastor, although others can and do fill this role and be the Discipleship Coordinator.
03. Join with Other Teams in a Discipleship Training
You may wish to join other church teams, if possible, in a multi-day live workshop. Occlusal we may work with a single church if we believe it would be a wise investment of our time and resources. If You may wish to join other church teams, if possible[1], in a multi-day live workshop. Occlusally we may work with a single church if we believe it would be a wise investment of our time and resources.Too many discipleship seminars bring people together for a few days coaching only to have their involvement come to an end at the end of the training. That’s not how we do things! Discipleship does not end there. We will continue to work alongside people who are faithfully trying to put what they learned into practice.
04. Weekly Coaching
Over the next few months, the Discipleship Coordinator will participate in 10 weekly coaching calls. The leader will then lead his or her church team through the same weekly study.
05. Launch Your First Discipleship Groups:
Shortly after the 10 discipleship training coaching calls are completed, each member selects and then later launches their discipleship groups.
06. Second Discipleship Workshop
After launching your discipleship groups, the church team prepares for their second live workshop where they will gain the tools needed to pass on the Zúme Discipleship model.
07. Monthly Coaching calls using Zoom
Monthly coaching continues with the original Discipleship Coordinator and Team.
08. Third and Final Discipleship Workshop
All members of the church team attend a third and final workshop. As the groups prepare to multiply, all participants are supplied with the materials and guidance they need to stay on track and continue the momentum.
Schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with us by filling out the form below and one of our team will reach out to you.
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